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One Week Since My Book Release

Today marks the first week since I released My One-Night Stand. I first want to thank those that supported me by buying it. Nothing makes me happy to receive PM's and emails telling me they enjoyed reading about Christen and Jaxson. I had a small bout of writers block for the first couple of days worrying about the book release, and I could not see how the hell I was going to write book two that I had in mind for months. Now, that I am able, to relax the words won't stop coming. Ethan and Tyler won't shut up. My biggest thing is making sure that the timeline fits with book one. I'm on a mandated family vacation for the next couple of days but I do hope to get some writing done at night if I am not too exhausted. But once I return home I'm sure I will be hold up in my room writing down all the notes I've been writing down on one note. I love the tattoo in the picture. I want to capture it perfectly for Tyler.  I love adding little things like this in my
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