Steven hums and snuggles deeper into his pillow, he feels himself getting pulled back into the dream he had last night. In the dream his lover is holding him tightly, keeping him safe while they sleep. Steven buries his nose into the warmth, taking in the masculine scent of his lover.
God, I love the way his lover’s body smells after a night filled with sleep and sex.
He likes the way those big soft hands caress him. Steven feels his dick stir to life. He unconsciously rubs it against those masculine legs, humming at the delicious sensation it creates on the sensitive head of his cock. Steven's dream lover feels so real. Lips begin to kiss his neck, fingers pinch his nipples. Steven rolls onto his back and opens his legs, giving his partner easy access to his body.
Steven moans as a strong hand grip his cock, “Yesss.” he hisses.
“Do you like that, Babe?” Steven’s dream lover asks while jerking his cock.
“Yes, it feels sooo good when you touch me.” Steven moans.

“I love the sounds you make.” Says his lover. His lover’s voice is so seductive, and he uses it to his advantage, driving Steven wild.
“Only you.” Steven pants, “I only make them for you.”
“I want inside of you.” Kissing his lips then his neck. “Let me in, Love.” His lover whispers.
Steven nods his head, he wants his lover inside him too. It has been so long since he felt the touch of a man, the feel of another inside of him, taking him to heights beyond compare. “Please,” Steven gasps.
Steven’s lover prepares him gently using his fingers and massaging his prostate. Steven is in heavenly dream, his body does not feel like his own. Sweat glistens on his body, his fingers grips the sheets, and his hips move with each and every stroke as his lover opens him up more. Steven wants more; he needs to have his lover inside of him now. “I’m ready; please in me.”

Steven moves his legs and wraps them around his lover’s waist clasping them at the ankle and pushing his lover deeper inside of him. “Yess,” he hisses. “Harder please.”

“Brady,” Steven pants out unconsciously. “Close, so close.”
As soon as Steven says the words, his lover brushes over his prostate and makes him cum. He calls out the name of the only man he has ever loved, “Brady!”
Steven hears a grunt as his lover follows after him expelling his seed inside of him. Steven is so satiated and tired he falls deeper into sleep not realizing his dream is indeed real.